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Breath Prayer Formation

Dr. Tiffany Dahlman

In the season of Advent, there are four themes-hope, peace, joy and love. The first, hope. invites us to look with anticipation to the coming of Christ. A text connected with the first week of Advent is Isaiah 40:1-11. The prophet was addressing the Hebrew nation as they were in a land far from home.

God's people were so often in need of comfort. Some spent their life in slavery and saw their children and grandchildren born into slavery. Many lived in exile, bereft of the familiarity of their land and people. I wonder at the perspective of the individual in these contexts. Day after day, year after year, generation after generation—how did they maintain hope? How did they hold fast to the promises of God? We know that at times they did not. But there was always a remnant, a remnant that chose to remain faithful.

Isaiah 40:1-11 must have been for them a drink to their thirsty souls. "Comfort, speak comfort to my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed…" How they must have clung to the image given in verse 11 "He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."

This passage was not only for God's people of long ago, but continues to speak hope today. As we approach a season of gladness and celebration, many experience despair. This time of year shines a light on poverty, oppression, and the vast gulf between the haves and the have-nots. It highlights the inner poverty of loneliness, sadness, and difficulty with family. Paralleling the celebration is the increase in depression and suicide. The same cry of God's people ascends "How long, Oh Lord?" "How long?" How does one maintain hope?

We in kinship with our family of faith of long ago, cling to the hope given by Isaiah. We look to our deliverer and remember what it is that He brings. He brings comfort. His offering is a balm for the soul. In the midst of the loneliness and pain, he offers his presence. In the midst of chaos, he offers his peace.

Advent is a time of anticipation. A time of waiting—of holding our breath as we join with the church in expectation for the coming of the Messiah. We join with the vast family of God in the act of remembering God's comfort. We are reminded that we are gathered in his arms and carried close to his heart.

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